Quadruple Amputee War Vet Tells Wife To Leave — Her Response Made All The Difference.

Some life events have the power to completely turn your life upside down. And when that happens, it’s hard to know which way to go and what to do so that you can regain a sense of control.
In the case of the war veteran in the video below, that life-altering event was stepping on an improvised explosive device (IED) during his third tour in Afghanistan. The explosion instantly ripped his left arm and leg from his body, stealing away his independence.
A few days later, his other two limbs were amputated as well to eliminate any risk of an infection spreading through his body. Now a quadruple, the war veteran advised his wife to leave him and start a new life with someone new, a man who can provide her with a happy life.
But his wife refused to leave him and told him that she will stick by his side no matter what. So she did, giving his husband the strength and motivation to make the most out of his situation and move forward with his life.
Since the accident, the man managed to achieve incredible things not only for him and his family but for an entire community of struggling people. Learn more about his incredible journey from the video below.

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