Husky with broken legs has a touching life story

A Husky was left alone in the ground with badly injured back legs. Someone had harmed this sweet boy
What monsters could do that? He was in pain, of course, but he still wagged his tail at the rescuers who were approaching him.

Rescuers carefully carried him to their car and then drove four hours to the nearest veterinary hospital. It amazed everyone that the dog could be so friendly despite going through such trauma. He even wore a blue shirt. Has anyone ever really loved him? Was he taken and then injured? The rescuers were sure he had a story to tell, but it was their job to help put his traumatic past behind him.

Rescuers carefully carried him to their car and then drove four hours to the nearest veterinary hospital. It amazed everyone that the dog could be so friendly despite going through such trauma. He even wore a blue shirt. Has anyone ever really loved him? Was he taken and then injured? The rescuers were sure he had a story to tell, but it was their job to help put his traumatic past behind him.

A loving foster mother took Husky in when he was medically cleared. He had a long way to go with his health. He was doing much better physically, but it would take some time for his body to heal. The sweet dog is so happy but still unsure of his surroundings. He can also bear weight on his legs much better now, but walking is not so easy.

Every day he keeps getting stronger. Soon, it’s slow going. He also wags his tail as he walks, knowing he’s such a good boy. His foster mother decides that Husky is best with her. They bond closely with her Beagle and sleep together side by side.

Bless all the animals who need our prayers the most. We are beyond thrilled that this sweet boy is on the road to recovery. Husky’s full rescue video is below!

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