Chunky dog immediately put on a diet after breaking the doggy door

A sweet rescue puppy has recently went viral online thanks to his last adventure. Due to his some extra pounds, Drax has somehow managed to break the doggy door after getting stuck in it. Now, obviously Drax’s parents will put him on a very strict diet, but the funny dog didn’t always had a spoiled life, though.


Drax was a stray wondering the streets of Queensland, Australia when Charmaine Hulley’s rescued him and eventually brought him home, even she already had four other dogs. When the woman found him, the poor little thing was just skin and bones. “My sister found him on the streets a couple of years ago,” Charmaine said. “[He] just laying there curled up. He looked skinny and uncared for.”

Even scared and confused, Drax quickly adapted to his new lifestyle. And since he has always been friendly and gentle, he soon bonded with the family’s other dogs. So when Charmaine eventually decided to move out, she also took Drax with her as they shared a very special friendship.


“He’s the most placid dog I’ve ever met,” Charmaine describes her beloved companion. “He loves everyone. In two years, I’ve heard him bark twice. He doesn’t cause any trouble, everyone loves him. He’s so sweet and just spoilt rotten now.”


Of course, she offered her lovely dog everything he needed, including plenty of food. So from that skinny pup found on the streets, Drax turned into a pretty chonky boy.


Recently, Charmaine came to visit her sister and she brought Drax with her, too. The sweet dog was more than happy to reunite with his cousins, so they played outside for hours. However, when they got inside, Drax soon realized those extra pounds he put on doesn’t bode well. The unlucky dog got stuck into the doggy door and eventually break it to the amusement of the entire family.


It is when both Drax and Charmaine realized some hard diet times would follow, but not before taking some precious pictures of the moment, which by the way, immediately went viral on Facebook.

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