Before and after pic shows the devastating effect of Australian fires on Kangaroo Island Sanctuary

The fire that hit the island on Friday night reduced the koala population from the Kangaroo Island by 50%.
The pictures devastated the Australians: “It is very sad”, “I am sad for my country and for the beautiful nature” were the reactions of some Australians on the internet. A convoy with 100 reservists arrived on the island Monday to help the community.
The large fires, affecting large areas of Australia since September 2019, have devastating effects. The intense smoke released by the powerful vegetation fires is visible from space, according to images released by NASA, and the smoke cloud has already reached countries thousands of miles away, such as Chile and Argentina.
Photo source: Profimedia

Kangaroo Island in 2017 and (right) after bushfires ravaged the tourist island. Source: Reddit/kernpanic and Instragram/ajcx89
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