Without A Plunger, Handyman Demonstrates Brilliant Technique for Unclogging Toilets

Let’s be honest about this: nobody takes pleasure in cleaning the toilet bowl, but it’s a task we all have to do sooner or later in life. And the only thing worse than cleaning a dirty toilet is unclogging a toilet.
There’s nothing that can turn this experience into an enjoyable one, but there are some tips you can use to get the job done faster and easier, so the experience won’t leave you completely traumatized.
Joke aside, unclogging toilets can make you feel sick to your stomach, but if you use the technique shown in the video below, you can get it over fast – and without even having to use a plunger.
There are just four steps you have to follow, and you’ll only need about 20 to 30 minutes to complete all the steps. The first thing you want to do is take some dish soap and put a generous quantity of it into the toilet bowl. Wait at least twenty minutes to give the soap enough time to properly soak into the clog.
Step 3 is taking a bucket of hot water and adding it into the toilet bowl. The last thing you have to do is flush, and that’s it!
This is the best way to unclog a toilet without a plunger!

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